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Our Philosophy

Our goal at Playmates Learning Center is to offer an environment where children can “learn through play”.

Our emphasis is on the development of the whole child through socialization with his/her peer group. It is our belief that the abilities to read, write, and process numbers will be a natural consequence of an interest and excitement about projects which have meaning to their daily lives. We will explore the world around us through field trips (in Kindergarten) and nature walks (all classes). We will learn to observe simple processes around us such as measuring through pouring of liquids, addition and subtraction through block building, writing through describing pictures, vocabulary development
through meaningful conversations and reading through storytelling and thoughtful discussion

 We believe that skills are more easily obtained in a friendly atmosphere where there is respect of the child and encouragement of his attempts to learn and praise for his or her achievements. Research has shown that a child with well-developed social skills will have greater growth in his/her intellectual development. We recognize that all conversations with children about meaningful aspects of their lives will encourage brain growth and increased cognitive development. We will provide opportunities for interaction, active rather than passive activities and opportunities for each child’s self-interest.

 One of our immediate goals will be to encourage children to interact with unfamiliar adults, socialize with other children and adjust to the routine of school. We want every child to become “an independent thinker” who will be able to solve problems independently, be self-confident, respectful of their peers and adults and who will embrace learning. Our teachers are committed to working with parents to provide children with the strong base necessary on which to build their education. While we work very hard to educate each child, we recognize that we cannot do this alone. We need your assistance to help your child grow socially, emotionally and cognitively. As a team, nothing is impossible!

 Our long term goals will be to strengthen the children’s cooperativeness, curiosity, resourcefulness, absorption in worthwhile explorations and activities. We will encourage the development of responsibility for one’s behavior and one’s actions. Above all, we want children to be happy in their play so that their learning becomes a joy.