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Daycare Programs


The aim of Preschool is to assist children in becoming independent from their parents and to learn to trust other adults. They will be able to learn social skills through play with their peers. They will have an introduction to school routines. The goals for our preschool children are divided into the following areas:

Social Development

  • To initiate activities and interact with peers
  • To respect the rights and feelings of others
  • To learn to share and cooperate with others
  • To show empathy and caring for others
  • To take part in conversations with other children and adults
  • To learn to follow directions

Cognitive Development

  • To learn to solve problems independently
  • To be able to classify in size, color and shape
  • To speak clearly enough for adults to understand
  • To make relevant contribution to ongoing activities

Academic Skills

  • To learn to cut and paste
  • To recognize numbers 1-10
  • To recognize colors red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, brown and black
  • To learn upper and lower case letters when appropriate
  • To learn shapes – circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, diamond and star
  • To learn one-to-one correspondence (This means being able to match one object to one other person or objects, i.e. 4 cups for 4 children).

Physical Development

Fine Motor

  • to acquire a proper pencil grip
  • to use scissors with control

Gross Motor

  • to show good balance
  • to practice hopping, climbing and jumping

Emotional Development

  • To make activity choices without help
  • To care for bathroom needs independently
  • To attempt to dress oneself
  • To transition from one activity to another
  • To separate from parent without difficulty
  • To express feelings verbally in an appropriate manner

Learning Habits

  • To show interest in classroom activities
  • To display enthusiasm about accomplishments
  • To cooperate in classroom pick up time
  • To participate in songs and finger plays
  • To be attentive during circle and story time

The Preschool program offers programs for three and four year old children offered Monday through Friday. While we do repeat some favorite activities from year to year, the curriculum changes each year as we learn from experience what helps each child learn in a manner suited to them.

Monthly newsletters and calendars are distributed to parents so that you can talk to your child about the activities that they do in school. Progress reports are distributed twice a year. Conferences are held throughout the year at the request of the parent or the teacher. If a parent has a question or concern about their child in school, please call the school and speak to the teacher or director. We encourage open communications at all times.

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