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General Information

Health Requirements

Immunization and Health Forms:

  • The New Hampshire Department of Health requires documentation of immunizations on file for each child on their first day of attendance.
  • A child health form or equivalent record of physical examination must be on file within 60 days of admission.
  • For children ages 5 and under, physical examinations must be updated annually.

Health Guidelines:

  • Do not bring your child to school with a contagious disease. Inform us immediately if your child contracts such a disease.
  • Keep your child home if they have a high temperature (101 degrees), upset stomach, or any other unusual symptoms.
  • Teach your child to blow and wipe their nose and dispose of tissues properly if they have a cold.
  • If your child becomes ill while at the center, we will call you to pick them up.

Injuries and Emergencies

First Aid and CPR:

  • A staff member certified in CPR and first aid is always present during operating hours.
  • Parents will be informed of injuries requiring treatment on the day of the injury.
  • First aid supplies are available in several locations of the center.
  • Procedures for managing injuries and emergencies are posted by telephones.

Fire Drills

  • Monthly fire drills are conducted during center hours.
  • Fire safety discussions are held at home.
  • During fire prevention week in October, a firefighter visits the center.


  • Our discipline practices follow the State of New Hampshire Licensing Rules, focusing on positive guidance and clear limits.
  • Consequences are related to misbehavior and enforced promptly.
  • Corporal punishment is NOT used.
  • Parents are encouraged to teach their children to respect authority and maintain discipline in school and at school-sponsored activities.

School Activities


  • Activities include singing, chanting, movement to music, action songs, keeping time to rhythm, and making instruments.
  • Music helps children learn letter sounds, numbers, and patterning.
  • Musicians occasionally visit to share their love of music.

Dramatic Play:

  • Children use their imagination to create adult roles through costumes, hats, tools, and equipment.
  • Monthly themes such as grocery store, hospital, veterinarian center, and more are prepared in our classrooms.

Reading Corner:

  • In addition to storytelling during circle time, children can look at books independently.
  • We provide a “print-rich” environment to foster a love of literature.


  • Play kitchen activities and real kitchen cooking sessions are planned.
  • Cooking helps build self-confidence and pride in producing a finished product.

Center Time:

  • Children can choose activities, promoting self-interest and decision-making.
  • Teachers use this time for small group work.

Gross Motor:

  • Outdoor activities like running, jumping, climbing, and playing with toys are emphasized.
  • The sandbox encourages sharing and cooperation.

Toys for Learning:

  • Stimulating and fun toys are provided.
  • New toys and materials are introduced periodically to encourage measuring, sorting, touching, and more.


  • Special educational videos and exercise videos are used to build social and emotional skills.

Show and Tell:

  • Children may bring something from home to share, such as a favorite toy, something from nature, or a small pet.

Arrivals and Departures

  • Parents bring their children into the daycare facility.
  • Most classrooms have direct access for parents to speak with teachers.
  • The Brightwheel app is used for communication between parents and staff throughout the day.

Clothing Suggestions

  • Children should wear clothes they can manage independently.
  • Outer clothing should be marked with the child’s name.
  • In colder months, leave a pair of slippers or extra sneakers at school.
  • Play clothes are recommended, and an art smock will be provided for art activities.


  • Birthdays are celebrated at school.
  • Parents are asked to provide a special snack for their child and classmates.
  • We light a candle and sing “Happy Birthday.”

Staff-Child Ratios

  • Preschool: 12 children per 2 teachers.
  • Pre-K: 12 children per 1 teacher.
  • The director is available to assist in any classroom as needed.

Parent Involvement

  • Parent participation in the classroom is encouraged but not required.
  • Parents with special interests or careers are welcome to share with their child’s class.

Separation Anxiety

  • Visits to the school are encouraged to help children feel comfortable.
  • Some children may need a parent to stay with them initially.
  • When ready, teachers can meet parents at the car to facilitate separation.

School Closings

  • The preschool and kindergarten follow the Timberlane Regional School District calendar.
  • A school calendar is provided at the beginning of the year.
  • If local elementary schools are closed, our school is also closed, with some exceptions.
  • In case of doubt about weather-related closures, call the school.

School Policies

  • No gum chewing is allowed in school. Parents should ensure their child does not bring gum to school.


  • Information about children and their families is kept confidential.
  • Information is shared with staff only on a need-to-know basis and with parental permission.